Loneliness is typically described as a negative feeling that brings you down. Getting regular exercise during the day is one of the best ways to keep your mood up. Volunteering is a great way to get out and to meet new people in contexts where you get to feel useful and like you’re adding something for others. That can reduce many of the problems people in early recovery have with making new friends.

loneliness in recovery

Our facilities remain open for treatment, we are expanding virtual services, and we remain dedicated to our clients and their recovery. JourneyPure Emerald Coast is located just off scenic route 30A in Panama City Beach, FL. “From a scientific viewpoint, loneliness is a discrepancy between what you want in a social relationship and what you have,” Cacioppo, the author of “Wired for Love,” explained.

Reframe Loneliness

Dr. Shah says understanding why someone is feeling lonely or is socially isolated is important. During your addiction rehab sessions, you’ll likely spend plenty of time in group therapy. This is especially important because the people in your group therapy sessions are people who face the same challenges and issues as you. Chance is, many of them are also struggling with disconnection and loneliness.

It will also be possible to benefit from a special relationship with a sponsor. This is often a more experienced individual in recovery who the sponsee can reach day or night. If the individual always has a friendly and https://ecosoberhouse.com/ understanding ear to turn to it combats any feelings of loneliness. Though loneliness in addiction recovery is always difficult, it’s something you can overcome, especially if you check into the right recovery program.

How to Cope With Loneliness in Recovery

The thing that drove you to use substances in the first place – avoidance – only exacerbated SUD. It’s important that you face what you’ve done in the past, as well as your current situation, and take accountability. Accepting and remaining accountable for your actions can help you come to terms with the issues and help you heal from them. Feeling lonely loneliness in recovery also increases a person’s risk of heart disease by 29% and the risk of stroke by 32%, according to the American Heart Association. “There’s a bidirectional relationship and that’s what causes spiraling,” he said. Spiraling is a downward cascade of negative thoughts that feed into loneliness, making the condition worse and eroding a person’s self-esteem.

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